Results - Final (Best of the Best)
Maze Solving

Results: Maze Solving
Semi Final Final (Best of the Best)


OrderLevelIDTeam nameRobotTime1Time2SquaresBest timeRank
3Gymnasium 4th - 7th Grade329F2Maze Runner DNF DNF32 DNF 1
1Primary 4th - 6th Grade314LAOURIS STARSStars Maze Robot DNF DNF45 DNF 2
5Special (Soldiers & Adults)340EANTASEANTAS III DNF DNF45 DNF 2
2Gymnasium 1st - 3rd Grade47Laouris ArduinoKar_Bot DNF DNF47 DNF 3
4University338UCY Robotics cLabMazeMaster DNF DNF51 DNF 4