Results - Final (Best of the Best)
Educational Robotics Engino

Results: Educational Robotics Engino
Final (Best of the Best)

Primary 1st - 3rd Grade - GROUP 1

OrderLevelIDTeam nameRobotDetailsScoreRank
3Primary 1st - 3rd Grade12Roborock LabRoborock RobotDetails 80 1
1Primary 1st - 3rd Grade24CityBots LabCityBots RobotDetails 62 2
4Primary 1st - 3rd Grade261ROBOTIC TIMErs JUNIORRobotic Wheel Chair and House AutomationDetails 53 3
2Primary 1st - 3rd Grade195Cool BoysLeoforioGiaOlousDetails 45 4
5Primary 1st - 3rd Grade196Smart RobotAutoCarDetails 42 5

Primary 4th - 6th Grade - GROUP 2

OrderLevelIDTeam nameRobotDetailsScoreRank
2Primary 4th - 6th Grade201Flash RobotMechanicHandDetails 89 1
5Primary 4th - 6th Grade374STEMMASTEMMADetails 88 2
3Primary 4th - 6th Grade98Nameless LabNameless RobotDetails 79 3
4Primary 4th - 6th Grade197RoBot BossRobotisDetails 71 4
1Primary 4th - 6th Grade198CyborgsToE3ipnoKarotsiDetails 49 5