Αποτελέσματα - Semi Final

Αποτελεσματα: Archery
Semi Final Final (Best of the Best)

Δημοτικό 4η - 6η Τάξη - GROUP 1

OrderΕπίπεδοIDTeam nameΡομπότPoints1Points2Points3Best points
1Primary 4th - 6th Grade181Laouris QueensSmart Tech1 0 0 1

Γυμνάσιο 1η - 3η Τάξη - GROUP 2

OrderΕπίπεδοIDTeam nameΡομπότPoints1Points2Points3Best points
3Gymnasium 1st - 3rd Grade51Laouris ArduinoVas_Bot1913919

Γυμνάσιο 4η - 7η Τάξη - GROUP 3

OrderΕπίπεδοIDTeam nameΡομπότPoints1Points2Points3Best points
1Gymnasium 4th - 7th Grade134Laouris FiveChris Y27201127
2Gymnasium 4th - 7th Grade1NTSomnii Team ARoboBow8438